Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory dermatosis. Person of all ages may develop the disease. Psoriasis is sometime associated with arthritis, myopathy, enteropathy, spondylitic heart disease or the AIDS. Psoriatic arthritis may be mild or may produce severe deformities resembling the joint changes seen in rheumatoid arthritis.1 Clinically, psoriasis most frequently affects the skin of the elbow, knees, scalp, lumbosacral areas, intergluteal cleft and glans penis. The most typical lesion is a well demarcated, pink to salmon colored plaque covered by loosely adherent scales that are characteristically silver white in color.

Psoriasis affects both sexes equally and can occur at any age, although it most commonly appears for the first time between the ages of 15 and 25 years.

The prevalence of psoriasis in Western populations is estimated to be around 2-3%. The prevalence of psoriasis among 7.5 million patients who were registered with a general practitioner in the United Kingdom was 1.5%. A survey conducted by the National Psoriasis Foundation (a US based psoriasis education and advocacy group) found a prevalence of 2.1% among adult Americans. The study found that 35% of people with psoriasis could be classified as having moderate to severe psoriasis.


Classification of Psoriasis:

In Ayurveda, skin diseases are known as Kustha. There are 2 main type of Kustha i.e. Maha kustha & Kshudra kustha. Seven are Maha kustha and eleven Kshudra kustha.
There are three types of Psoriasis called
  i)       Kitibha, is characterized with rough papulosquamous dermatosis in which the scaling papules are light blue or red in colour.

ii)          Ekakustha, is identified with silver gray scaling papules, which can spread in big patches.

iii)        Charmakhya, is characterized with thick scaling papules, which finally turns just like the skin of the elephant

We cannot exactly correlate ayurvedic types of psoriasis with modern terminology / types but on the basis of disease symptoms we can conclude as follow,
Kitibha = Non-pustular psoriasis
Ekakustha = Pustular psoriasis

Causes of Psoriasis:
The effect of slow poison or the poison, which is partly counteracted with anti-poisonous drugs or antidote, is the fundamental cause of psoriasis. As per modern medical science there is a no specific cause for psoriasis. In charak Samhita (Classical text book of Ayurveda) some specific causes was mentioned for kustha roga as follow,
  • Consuming opposite foods like curd – onion, milk-onion etc
  • Controlling natural urges.
  • Exposure to severe climatic conditions.
  • Consuming food that is too salty, too sour and/or too heavy for digestion.
  • Sleeping during the afternoon with sedative lifestyle.
  • Taking a bath in cold water immediately after physical exertion.
  • Mental stress.
  • Psoriasis is caused by vitiation of vata and kapha dosha. The vitiated doshas affect the skin and blood tissues. They also influence the water element of the affected region on the skin. Thus the skin which is influenced by the affected doshas becomes discolored (white or copper coloured), scaly and thin.

Preventive steps you should take:

                There is no way to prevent psoriasis. But the following tips may improve symptoms or help reduce the number of psoriasis flare-ups.
·         Avoid intake of opposite food like curd – onion, milk-onion, etc
·         Use moisturizing lotions, do not keep your skin dry
·         Take proper care of your skin and scalp
·         Use humidifier during dry season
·         Try to avoid dry and cold weather
·         Avoid scrapes, cuts, bumps and infections
·         Get some sun bath, but not too much
·         Decrease stress
·         Reduce alcohol intake
·         Do exercise, Eat right and maintain a healthy weight 


Product profile:

Cutisora is a combination of potent herbs which are renowned for reducing scaling, erythema and thickening of skin, antiproliferative & anti-inflammatory properties. They are also known to posses tremendous skin rejuvenating properties.

ü  Provides prompt symptomatic Relief                                                              
ü  Corrects liver function by balancing pitta & kapha the root cause of psoriasis      
ü  Reduces scaling and thickening of skin
ü  Controls itching and redness of scalp     
ü  Non steroidal and safe for long term use

Cutisora Tablet [60 Tab]

      Cutisora Oil

Application & Dosage:

Cutisora Oil: To be applied 2 to 3 times a day after cleaning the affected part or as directed by the Physician.

Cutisota Tablet: 1 to 2 tablets 2 times a day or as directed by the Physician

Presentation: Cutisora Oil: Pet Bottle 100 ml; Cutisora Tablet: HDPE Bottle 1X60 Tablets

1.      Rakesh K. Sindhu et. al., Psoriasis and Herbal Care: A Brief Review. International Journal of Pharma Research & Development, Vol.1, Issue 9, Nov. 2009.
2.     Andrew IB, Richard AB, Jeffery WJ and Mark PL Emerging therapeutic targets in psoriasis. Current opinions in pharmacology.2004; 4:306-310.
3.     Lo KK, Ho LY. Psoriasis; Handbook of Dermatology and Venereology (Social Hygiene Handbook) 2nd edition.
4.     Prof. Priyavrat Sharma; Charaka Samhita, chikisasthan to siddhisthan, Vol.IV, Edition 2010


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Hi buddy
Do you know about this.?When administered systemically, it can also help in correcting the root cause of the disease. However, there are also certain dos and don'ts for such patients. They must avoid eggs, fish, peanuts or other things which might cause allergies. As mentioned earlier, one of the main causes of psoriasis flare up is stress. Thus, a patient should learn how to handle and cope with stress.Read more at-natural psoriasis treatment

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